Deloris has been helping me work on the succession plan. We decided if there was a report using a spread sheet, it would go by the month. Each time I report these it will be for the month finished before the meeting. Everything else will be reported as usual.
In August we had 2 functions in the Memorial Hall making the yearly count 25. It was decided we will only count the days that are rent is charged for the use of the hall, yard and kitchen. That is why the figures have changed since last reporting.
We had another Volunteer retire, Karen Hathaway has some health issues she has to deal with but asked us to contact her next year. The other volunteers were: Gary Clarke- RSVP, Eileen Entzel RSVP, Ingrid Brown, Bella Hilger ( she is 14) Janet Kline RSVP, Verna Viall RSVP( she is probably done for the year as she fell and hurt her leg) Grant Miller RSVP, Wiley Snell who does extra things as needed, Jay Terrett for building a fence around the Cutter, Leif Ronning for painting the outside doors and Douglas Ochsner for painting the floor of the Milwaukee Railroad exhibit.
I had been corresponding by phone and email most of the summer with a gentleman from Texas concerning research for a book. I had sold and shipped 4 books to he made a trip to Miles City to do more on the spot research. We enjoyed getting to visit and help him for 3 days, He became a member along with another gentleman who was a visitor a few weeks ago, he was so impressed with the museum that he was going back to his home and see if he could talk to the people who were connected with the collages and museums in his areas. I got an email from him and he said he had talked to some of them and for me not to get discouraged as he had lots more work to do on this project.
Our Open House/Pioneer Day was a success. We fed around 100+, with 110 people signing the guest book and we know many didn’t sign in. This year people bought many more items from the gift shop.We had many people complement “whoever made the bean” and one man said he didn’t like beans but he’d drive a ways to eat those again. We want to thank all who helped from the cooks, the servers, people who brought cookies (men thank your wives) and all who helped clean up. A special Thanks to Roger Retta and Todd for contributing most of the food.
I want to give a special thanks to Deloris for taking me to school at least one afternoon a week and showing me things I needed to know as we work getting the succession plan finished I had no idea how much was required to do this project. My goal is to have it finished when we close the Museum October 15th.
Respectfully Submitted
Bunny Miller / Curator