Weather made it difficult to do much work in the Museum. After the floor was finished, we realized the leg tips were wearing out and since we didn’t want the floor scratched an order was placed for new ones. We will contact the board and have them come a little early to the next meeting and take care of that job. We will be setting times for general cleaning to prepare for opening April 15.
I took the computer to Boss and some of the programs had not been set up on the computer. He also helped me understand how to scan a way that was easier. I have been quite busy catching up on paper and computer work.
Since last meeting we had 3 functions in the hall for a total of 4 to date and 28 booked through end of year. There is 1 bus and a group of homeschool student from Colstrip that have booked tours. Looking forward to seeing everyone this summer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bunny Miller-Curator