At the closing of 2023 it was reported that we had visitors from all 50 states and 32 foreign country’s. There was approximately 3,500 visitors came through the front door. There was 39 functions held in the Memorial with approximately 3,000 people attending.
I opened the museum the end of October and gave 4 high school students a tour of the museum. They were to give presentations to their class. Any time we can interest young people in the history we have on display, I will do all I can to encourage them.
• Deloris Cameron and I have been doing some projects that require lots of research and computer work. They are: updating the Charter Members book. We found 2 different groups of pages and have put them all in one.
• Locating where all the plaques are placed in the Memorial Hall and updating the lists in the book.
• The book that holds all the written histories of said plaques with names beginning with C, D, E, F and G, was stolen a few years back. Deloris has been going through the history books and is making a new book.
• We have been going through the card file looking for more information on the articles in the museum, hoping to make and place more informative labels.
A group of board members spent some time going through all the saddle displays and made a decision to put them in a more organized display. This will happen when its warmer in the spring before we open.
We received a Grant from North Plains Connectors Community Impact Fund, a payout from the Richard Coffman estate, a payout from the Christine Bagget estate, and many donations from members as they sent in their memberships.
A very heart felt THANK YOU for all who support us.
Bunny Miller -Curator