The Range Riders Museum has been most fortunate over its long history. The museum has been given many incredible items to display for all to enjoy. And thanks to generous donations, the museum has been able to build several buildings to house and properly exhibit these rarities. In fact, many of the museum’s exhibits are buildings – or entire rooms of furnishings or related items – such as the log cabins, and the Country School and Bert Clark’s Guns. Then there is the Wagon Depot – the largest building on the Museum’s acreage – it boasts a fantastic collection of antique vehicles; and eclectic collections of everything from early office equipment to farm tools. It takes several hours to see everything the museum has to offer, and it’s easy to spend an entire day looking at the displays and exhibits.
Below is a gallery comprised dozens of photographs, but they only represent a mere fraction of the items exhibited, and the buildings at the museum. We hope that you enjoy the photographs, but we encourage you to visit the museum and truly experience the exhibits. Our museum is an amazing place – it has the power to provide a genuinely unique experience for those who walk its halls and rooms. Come by and you’ll see what we mean…
- Entrances to the Heritage Center, The Coach House and the Guardians of the Past exhibit buildings are shown here. These buildings are only a part of the museum’s complex.
- While a picture of history may truly be worth a 1,000 words, visiting the museum and interacting with the exhibits creates an experience like no other.
- The entrance to The Coach House – which is brimming with excellent exhibits.
- The Hubing family donated this area of exhibits.
- The “Clark on the Yellowstone” exhibit in Memorial Hall.
- Many interesting exhibits are located inside the Wagon Barn.
- The Museum has numerous tool exhibits in various buildings: Ranching, barber, medical, dental, wagon-wright, …
- The Museum has numerous tool exhibits in various buildings: Ranching, barber, medical, dental, wagon-wright, …
- A glimpse of this fine collection.
- Dinosaur fossils abound throughout Montana. The Museum is fortunate to have quite a few on display for visitors to view.
- Just some of Christian’s amazing photographs.