I have been e-mailing and talking on the phone with many people this month. It seems that many are really interested in learning about their genealogy. I spent many hours doing research for the Nichols family before they came to visit. He is gathering information to write a book for his children about their families on both sides. He and his family came from Hawaii and spent a full day taking pictures and learning how people lived in the early 1900’s.
There is a gentle man from Texas coming the first part of September to spend a few days . He has written many books and is looking for material for his next book about how people settled in the West. He has never gotten this far West and North. Then one more is coming from Missoula. He is a grandson of Christian Barthelmess. He can’t remember ever coming to Miles so is looking forward to learn about the family.
On June 16th we had a couple very interested in the Museum. I sat in the Memorial Hall and visited for about an hr. They were interested in all of the workings and the museum history. Last week we got a $1,000 grant from Liberty Charitable and were asked to send the thank you to Susan and Derek von Amerengen the visitors from June 16th.
Bunny Miller, Curator